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Empowering Mindful Therapists
Process Oriented, Culturally Responsive, and Trauma Competent Care
We're deeply dedicated to providing specialized clinical consultation for emerging mental health professionals and experienced clinicians alike.

We serve both emerging mental health professionals and experienced clinicians who are keen on refining their skills and deepening their therapeutic practices. They may find themselves feeling “stuck” when trying to go deeper with clients, or want to expand their toolbox beyond cognitive behavioral interventions. We enjoy working with providers who are interested in developing their skills in utilizing a relational, process-oriented approach that integrates mindfulness and cultural responsiveness. Our clinical consultation clients share our dedication to social justice and our commitment to fostering a more inclusive, equitable therapeutic environment.
Our supervision and consultation services include:
Individual Supervision and Consultation
Group Supervision and Consultation

We are Passionate about:
Interpersonal Process and Use of Self as a clinical tool
Whole person orientation to clinical care
Cultural competence as a core clinical competence
Embodied approaches informed by mindfulness and somatic interventions
Relationship as a vehicle for trauma recovery
Embracing complexity and avoiding reductionist thinking
The power of community for clinical practitioners
At Bela Luz Health you will be supported with…
A Relational, Process-Oriented Approach
Our process-oriented approach invites the clinical relationship into the therapeutic process and enhances the depth of the clinical work, as well as invites a different level of client engagement with their healing. Through our training, you will strengthen your ability to employ the use of Self in a clinical setting, learn powerful techniques for managing transference and countertransference, and enrich your approach to treating a range of issues including anxiety, depression, grief and loss, relational conflicts, addiction, and PTSD.
An Emphasis on Embodied, Trama-Competent Care
We support clinicians interested in developing their skills around working with trauma, including specifically attachment trauma and complex PTSD. These providers may benefit from guidance in conceptualizing and managing the complexity of these cases, or feel unsure how to integrate a relational or body-oriented component to trauma treatment. We help equip you with the tools to recognize and address trauma-related symptoms using the therapy relationship as a primary tool for change, create a safe and supportive space for survivors, and create an effective therapeutic container with confidence.
Cultivated Anti-Oppressive Practices
We support clinicians looking to decolonize their clinical practice and operate from a more intentional and conscious place. We are passionate about supporting clinicians interested in growing their cultural awareness and competence, building their confidence in discussing issues related to identity, and understanding the ways in which systems of power and privilege play out in the therapeutic space. We offer training that will help you to provide more culturally informed care and work more effectively with a wider range of clients.
If you are interested in learning how we may support you in your growth as a mental health professional, please contact us to learn more.